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Black and White Chocolate Popcorn

Servings:  8-10

Total Time: 10 minutes

Black and White

Chocolate Popcorn

You can buy Black and White popcorn for an exorbitant price, or you can easily make your own. White chocolate and dark chocolate give this popcorn a sweet and sophisticated upgrade.

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2 bags of microwave popcorn, popped


1-2 cups white chocolate chips, melted


1-2 cups semisweet chocolate chips, melted


If you like your popcorn heavily coated, use 2 cups of each type of chocolate.  If you prefer less coating, use 1 cup of each type of chocolate. 


 Place popped popcorn on a aluminum foil covered baking sheet.  Melt chocolate in a saucepan on the stove top or in the microwave in a microwaveable safe bowl.  Pour the white chocolate into a quart-sized baggie or a 12-16 inch decorating bag.  Pour the semisweet chocolate into a quart-sized baggie or a 12-16 inch decorating bag.  


Cut the end of the corner of the baggie off and drizzle half of the melted chocolate over the top of the popcorn.   Cut the end of the corner of the baggie off the white chocolate and drizzle half of it over the popcorn.  Stir popcorn to coat kernels.  Drizzle remaining white and dark chocolate over popcorn and don't stir, so that the drizzles will remain on the popcorn and make it look more attractive.  Enjoy!


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