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Crepes are standard street fare in France. If you don't own a crepe maker, you can use a small omlette-sized pan or even cook two and a time on an electric skillet, although this requires a crepe spreader. The best part about having a crepe bar is the myriad of topping you can offer your guests.
Servings: 10 (approx. 2 crepes each)
Total Time: 40 minutes
1 1/2 cups flour
3 eggs
2 cups milk
pinch of salt
3 T. butter, melted
1 T. sugar
1 T. vanilla
Additional butter for greasing pan
Mix ingredients together and let rest for 30 minutes. Heat 8 inch pan over medium heat. Coat bottom of pan with butter. Add 1/4 cup crepe batter and swirl pan until the batter has spread out and covered the bottom of the pan. Cook until edges are dry and center is set, approximately 1-2 minutes. Flip crepe over and cook for an additional minute. Repeat with remaining batter.
Add a side that compliments your menu:

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